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About Us

“Representative deliberative processes can help lead to: better policy outcomes; greater legitimacy to make hard choices; enhance public trust in government and democratic institutions; make governance more inclusive; help counteract polarisation and disinformation; provide a long-term vision on policy issues.” (Westminster Foundation for Democracy)

The Conservative Policy Forum exists

  • to ensure the voice of Party members is both heard and seen to be heard in the corridors of power;

  • to help the Party to identify the problems we will face in the months and years ahead; and 

  • to address how we can secure a better future for the UK and for UK taxpayers.

The CPF develops and advances Conservative ideas and policies within the Party and in Government for the benefit of the whole nation. The input of CPF groups, which meet locally and online, is increasingly valued and sought by the Prime Minister’s Policy Unit, as well as by cabinet ministers and CCHQ. The CPF often alerts our leaders to concerns from the frontline of our communities before they are detected by pollsters or journalists.


It creates regular opportunities for all members, regardless of age or location, to discuss the challenges facing the country and to have real influence on Party policy. These include our traditional national policy consultations, topical snap polls on current policy, a members’ policy suggestion hub online, regular video conferences with government ministers and roundtable discussions at 10 Downing Street.

Its members champion Conservative policies locally and nationally so as to support the election of Conservative candidates at every level of government. At the last general election, four-out-of-seven commitments in the published manifesto could be traced back to ideas proposed by CPF groups; and almost half of the proposals in the CPF Members’ Manifesto were reflected in the published manifesto. The presence of an active CPF group is also a good indicator of Associations that effectively engage with voters beyond their core membership.
So, make sure your voice is heard and get involved today – create a profile in our Members’ Hub and join your local Association or Federation’s discussion group!

History of the CPF

The CPF’s history can be traced back to the Conservative Political Centre (CPC) of the early post-war years. Established in 1945, this was the Party’s political education body and made a significant contribution to the development of election-winning policies that delivered thirteen years of radical Conservative Government from 1951 to 1964.

Following the reorganisation of Conservative Central Office in 1988, the CPC was brought within the new Research Directorate, along with the Conservative Research Department, with which its development was more closely aligned. The CPC went on to change its name to the Conservative Policy Forum in 1999.

Building on this heritage, the CPF was relaunched as a national group of the voluntary Party in January 2011 and, after over a year’s dormancy, again in late-2015 with the aim of creating a truly inclusive, national Forum, accessible to all regardless of age or location, that has real influence on Party policy.

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Address: 4 Matthew Parker Street, London, SW1H 9HQ

N.B. This form is for general contact only.
Do not use to send questions or thoughts on policy. For policy matters, please visit the Members' Hub.

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© 2022 Promoted by Sheridan Westlake on behalf of the Conservative Party, both at 4 Matthew Parker Street, London, SW1H 9HQ. Built by Katrina Sale.

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