The CPF Committee
Fleur Butler
CPF Vice Chairman
Fleur became our vice chairman for CPF in August 2023. She has been a councillor, council leader, MEP candidate, and President of the Conservative Party Board. She was chosen to be on the European Council democratic election monitoring teams, as well as supporting women’s political groups around the world. She is very proud to have serve on the Conservative Party Board since 2021 where she serves currently as only women elected.
Frances Lasok
CPF Voluntary Director
Frances was elected as our Voluntary Political Director in March 2025. She ran marginal Parliamentary campaigns through some of the most turbulent years in politics from the age of 21, before studying for an MBA and moving into tech policy. In 2023 she led an academic study into Conservative membership, and is a trainer for those entering politics and an OSCE international election observer. Her role is to champion the contributions of members and supporters into policy formation.
John Hayward
CPF Manager
John has provided consistent leadership to the CPF since early 2016. With a background in science, he has “a keen understanding of the Party's grassroots” and “his clear, evidence-based analysis and quiet diplomacy transformed the CPF from a mere talking shop to an indispensable part of the Party's policy development.” John also works with politicians internationally to develop policy-based election platforms, to widen civic participation and to promote best practice in policy-making. He has twice received public awards for his “outstanding record of service and devotion to duty” and for accomplishments that “promote excellence, uphold integrity, and foster creativity.”
The CPF Champions
Ahmereen Reza OBE
Area Leadership Champion
Ahmereen is the principal owner of AR Consultancy, advising charities and small businesses on strategy and business development, and a Non-Executive Director at the Southern Housing Group. She is the co-founder of the charity Developments in Literacy UK, which educates girls in under served areas of Pakistan and provides ESOL courses for British Multi-ethnic minority mothers of under-performing students in the UK. Ahmereen received an OBE in 2020 for her charity and interfaith work. She stood as a candidate in 2017. Ahmereen is a Director for the Conservative Friends of Pakistan and a GLA candidate.

Online Discussion Groups Champion
We are currently looking to recruit our next Online Discussion Groups Champion
Neva Sadikoglu-Novaky
Virtual Programmes and Publications Champion
Neva works in the private sector and has worked in policy-making and in think tanks on both sides of the Atlantic from Brussels to Washington DC. She is currently a Fellow at Localis think tank and has been a Fellow at the Washington DC based Center for Strategic and International Studies. She has experience in transforming ideas into policy-proposals. She has drafted policy proposals and legislation as well as supported elected politicians in policy-making. Neva is a Conservative party activist. She was a parliamentary candidate in the 2019 general election and a candidate in the 2019 European Parliament election. She leads the Surrey CPF.

Events Champion
We are currently looking to recruit our next Events Champion
Oliver Hall
Student Champion - South East and South West
Oliver grew up across the South East and Midlands and is currently a Law student at The City Law School in London. He has been a member of the Conservative Party since 2017, and currently serves as the Deputy Chair Membership and Fundraising for his local Conservative branch in North Oxfordshire. He has a keen interest in social mobility and access to education, including having worked with Stonewall and Oxfordshire County Council on their anti-bullying policies.

Daniel Grice
Student Champion - East and West Midlands
Daniel was born and raised in the Black Country and is proud to have come from his humble beginnings to be where he is today, despite having severe dyslexia and autism. He has managed to not just complete an undergraduate degree in history and politics but also managed to do a Masters degree specialising in political engagement specifically for disabled people. Daniel hopes to encourage young people to freely express their conservative values, feel pride in doing so regardless of their background, and not just go with the tide of voting for left-wing political politics. Daniel also has an additional ambition to improve disabled representation within politics, a group that deserves to have people representing them and their interest.