My Policy Story
15 Jan - 17 Mar 2024
Setting the scene
“Greater focus, dedicated leadership, and better-targeted resources will help us deliver our promises in the here and now, as we halve inflation, grow the economy, reduce debt, cut waiting lists, and stop the boats.” (Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP, 7 February 2023)
In the last parliamentary session, the Government passed 39 bills (see Appendix for further details). Looking back over the year or so since Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister, CPF members can identify several newly-implemented government policies that either started out as CPF proposals or for which CPF has consistently campaigned. These include, but are in no way limited to the following “top dozen”:
Enabling young people to use the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) to search and apply for apprenticeships, alongside degrees
Introducing “Returnerships” to help get older workers back to work
Allowing private companies to access capital markets worldwide without floating on a stock exchange
Introducing a statutory limit on the length of non-compete clauses in employment contracts
Increasing the annual pension allowance and abolishing the Lifetime Allowance
Moving to a broader-based British Baccalaureate in place of GCSEs and A-Levels, putting technical and academic education on an equal footing
Implementing the largest ever cut to National Insurance
Extending 30 hours of childcare a week to working parents of children aged 9 months to 4 years and paying Universal Credit childcare costs up front rather than in arrears
Changing child ratios in the childcare sector from 1:4 to 1:5
Redirecting HS2 funding to enhance transport links across the North and Midlands
Supporting the development of the next generation of nuclear reactors and of pioneering fusion technology
Building on the Women’s Health Strategy and protecting women’s hard-won rights, for example by excluding from women’s prisons certain transgender offenders.
Questions for discussion
In what specific ways have government policies implemented since Rishi Sunak became PM had a positive impact on your life and your family? (Include first name and last initial if the CPF member is happy for us possibly to share their name in connection with this on social media.)
In what specific ways have other people in your community or area been positively impacted by government policies implemented since Rishi Sunak became PM?
Thinking of policies that the government has introduced, which do you believe could most benefit from modification in order to realise their full potential?
In as few words as possible, what single commitment or emphasis would you most like to see included in the Party’s General Election manifesto?
Is there any other observation you would like to make?
For further details, download the consultation brief.
N.B. On this occasion, there we request that all responses by returned via the online form. A downloadable form is provided for those groups that like to circulate a draft report among participants before submitting their final version.