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Time for a British Sovereign Wealth Fund?

Wed, 23 Nov



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Time for a British Sovereign Wealth Fund?
Time for a British Sovereign Wealth Fund?

Time & Location

23 Nov 2022, 19:00 – 20:00


About the Event

Sovereign wealth funds are popular around the world. In many nations across the Middle East such funds invest state money in companies and other assets to generate income and returns for their home economies. Sovereign wealth funds in that region also invest vast amounts of money generated from oil fields into global stock markets and assets. Norway's sovereign wealth fund is the biggest in the world, boasting £900billion worth of investments in shares, bonds and property. It earned a record £140billion in 2019, which is equivalent to £26,400 for every Norwegian citizen. Is it time for a British Sovereign Wealth Fund and does the economic outlook in the UK suggest now is the time? 

John Penrose is Member of Parliament for Weston-super-Mare and Chairman of the CPF.  He was the United Kingdom Anti-Corruption Champion at the Home Office from 2017 until 2022 and Minister of State for Northern Ireland (2018–2019).

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