The final part of our membership-wide survey on Conservative values sought to understand Members' views on being a member.
The biggest factor in what first motivated people to join the Party was a desire to influence policy (40.4%), followed by being inspired by a politician (34.2%) and the prospect of an imminent general election (26.1%). Other significant factors included the influence of family or friends (18.1%) and being influenced by a local issue (17.6%):

Members indicated that the most important incentives for being a member are the ability to vote in national elections for the Party Leader and to select local candidates (councillors and MPs). The second most important incentives were the ability to discuss and influence policy, plus supporting Conservative candidates to win elections. Civic duty and a desire to meet like-minded people topped the remaining factors. The least important factors were the ability meet politicians and to become a local or national candidate.

N.B. The net score shown to the right of each bar is the proportion who indicated the incentive was important or very important reduced by those who indicated it was not important or slightly important.
Lastly, we asked people what they most enjoy about being a member. Overwhelming, the most common responses were “Socialising with like-minded people” and “Meeting MPs at social events.” Other common responses included “Having a say and being involved in local and national issues” and “The ability to choose the local candidate and party leader and to discuss and influence policy.” The word cloud below captures the most frequent words used in responses.

(Report continues with the final part of our Conservative Party Members' Values Survey results.)
We keep hearing that so many of CPF policy ideas were picked up in the manefesto and during the years in Government by the famous No 10 Policy Unit. However please explain why despite CPF Management following up our request for regular Policy Unit progress reports during implementation, the response received from them was that this was not possible as they were only produced for internal consumption ??
The important word is “Implementation “ of policies NOT just promises and future aims for sometime in future.
This is why Members have lost confidence with the present Party organisation and strategy .
As earlier discussed, getting a new sound, honest and Godly leadership is the top priority, if you want any positive changes going forwards, thanks,
Ms modupe Adedigba
Aicszm Asso
Labour did not win, the parliamentary party gave them office through not listening.
We saw it coming now I hope you have learned the lesson.
Demonstrate that you have…escape from the bubble, speak to the electorate!
When I completed the form I select 'Desire to influence policy' as this forum gives us the opportunity to put ideas forward. Even though the forum is quiet the ideas and feedback do get taken seriously. Please keep the news and updates coming 🙂
Janine (Teleguard ID: 97ZWNQW53)