To continue our recent growth, we are looking to expand our network of CPF Regional Ambassadors as part of our volunteer team. Our regional ambassadors work with the CPF team and with Political Deputy Chairs to help Associations and Federations in their region or devolved nation to recruit and support a network of CPF Group Coordinators and active CPF Groups, ensuring that CPF reports reflect the views of members from right across the UK.
If this sounds like an opportunity that you (or someone you know) might like to take up, then read on and send your CV and a cover-letter to cpf@conservatives.com! (please add the region you wish to apply for)
The areas currently available:
The North West
Northern Ireland
Increase the number of active CPF Groups in all Conservative Party Associations and Federations and increase the number of people who attend and participate in them.
Core responsibilities working jointly with and reporting to the CPF Area Leadership Champion:
Work with Political Deputy Chairs to help Associations and Federations to recruit and support a network of CPF Group Coordinators and active CPF Groups (in conjunction with the CPF Area Leadership Champion)
Maintain regular contact with all existing CPF Groups in the region and attend their CPF discussions where possible
Promote best practice
Help the regional committee to organise any annual conference, ensuring CPF is adequately represented
Produce a quarterly report for the CPF Area Leadership Champion and CPF Steering Committee, including recommendations on what is and is not working well to attract more people to become involved in CPF Groups
Support and promote CPF activities and events organised by the CPF nationally
Each year, CPF Ambassadors should aim to have:
Increased the number of CPF Groups within the region/devolved nation that have contributed to at least two consultations in the previous year
Increased the number of people attending and contributing to CPF discussions within the region/devolved nation in the previous year by 20%.
Numbers to report each month:
# of Association or Federation officers that the CPF Ambassador has individually contacted at least once on behalf of the CPF in the previous month
# of Associations that those contacts represent
# of Associations or Federations contacted in the month with no outcome
# of Associations or Federations contacted with initial interest but no firm promise yet
# of Associations or Federations who promised to start or revive a group in the previous month
# of new or revived CPF Groups that actually held a first meeting in the previous month
The role is voluntary and is subject to annual review by the CPF Management Committee
Reports to CPF Area Leadership Champion
Should ideally be co-opted as a member of the relevant Conservative Regional Committee
The role is unpaid, though reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed